There is a lot to know about Medicare!
Thankfully, we can help you navigate the ins and outs of what you need to know and when you need to take action.
Here are 6 Medicare Facts to Remember:
25% – The amount you pay for prescription costs above $445 and below $4,130. This is only initial coverage, then it gets complicated.
20% – The amount Medicare-approved rate for claims that you pay. For the non-Medicare-approved rate this may be up to 15% more
80% – The percentage of Medicare-approved amount Medicare pays for medical services.
A-F – Federally regulated Medigap Plans. (Plans C and F no longer available for people new to Medicare 2020 and beyond)
34% – Average out-of-pocket health care spending as a percentage of Social Security income for ages 65-74.
40% – Average out-of-pocket health care spending as a percentage of Social Security income for ages 75-84.
We have also added this as a printable PDF you can download below!